Friday, October 19, 2007

Other Hobbies

Not working today, I ran some errands. I bought some shoes and went to the grocery store--where three cute Italian men flirted with me after I asked if I could help them find something; I practically live there. (Why else would I be there on a day off)

I have volunteered to do some recipe testing for Lorna Sass, so I was buying ingredients for one of those. It will be dinner if we don't have other plans. Unfortunately I will not be able to share that recipe (or any information on the testing process) on here!

The day has completely disappeared. It is almost 5:00 R. will be home soon, and I had hoped to get a little sewing done. I have some small pieces of fabric that I'm hoping to turn into a thingamajig that will hold my sewing needles.

So yes, I cook, sew and knit. I'm so domestic.

This is what I'm working on at the moment:

It's from a 1951 Fleisher's knitting pattern magazine of "Bed Jackets." I found it while I was visiting my in-laws last month. She had a box of knitting paraphernalia that her sister had picked up at auctions. I found it in there.

I originally thought it was going to take years to finish, but I have only a few more inches of sleeve to finish. Then I get to start decreasing and working on the neck. I may actually be able to wear it this winter!

1 comment:

Debbie Burgess said...

I just love this bed jacket. I just love your blog. I just found out all these things about you. :-)